Aug 23, 2009

LBJ four buttons for favorite drinks

That is what is called lap of luxury. LBJ had four buttons for his favorite drinks in his oval office so that whenever he wants any of those choices he can just order them at a push of a button. Innovative drinking accessories I guess. LBJ favorite drinks were tea, coffee, coke and Fresca.

This was actually a question asked in the popular TV series Who wants to be a millionaire which was answered wrong by Ken Basin. He was asked about LBJ favorite drink for which he opted for one of the answers which was Yoo Hoo but the right answer was Fresca. Ken lost the $1,000,000 prize money he was winning.

There were four favorite drinks of Lyndon B Johnson and he like Fresca as one of them. No one could think that having a liking for a drink could cost some one so much of money. Everyone would like to have a room service like this where you can order drinks at the push of a button without even having to say a word. Push button drinks and drinking accessories. This would become very popular in offices especially when in the middle of the work you like to drink something and you just order it instantly.